Custard Tart from Jöro

Jöro is an exciting 12 table restaurant in Sheffield. The restaurant is made entirely from upcycled shipping containers on the ground floor of Krynkl in Kelham Island. A steel building in the heart of the once fully industrial quarter of the steel city! It's an expression of husband and wife team Luke French and Stacey Sherwood-French, what they like to eat and experience eating out. They promise a relaxed atmosphere with plenty of laughter. The focus is on flavour-packed cooking made with passion from sustainably and responsibly sourced ingredients.  Chef Joe Bains recently shared his recipe for custard tart with us. It's rich and luxurious in equal measure. 


custard tart



Makes one 12 inch wide, deep-dish tart, with an extra batch of pastry for your freezer.  

To make the sweet pastry:

250g unsalted butter softened to room temperature (we use Bungay Butter)

200g icing sugar

525g plain flour

2 whole eggs (we use Cacklebean eggs)

2 egg yolks 

10g Water


Mix the flour, butter and sugar together until sandy in texture.

Add the whole egg, water and yolks and mix until it becomes a paste, wrap in cling film in 500g pieces, freeze one for a rainy day.

Rest in the fridge until required (preferably overnight).


For the custard tart:

500g sweet pastry

1litre whipping cream (we use Ivy House)

60g fresh ginger, peeled and grated

150g caster sugar

20 egg yolks 

Nutmeg to taste


Remove pastry from the fridge about half an hour before use, roll until it's about the thickness of a pound coin and line your tart case. Prick the base with a fork and rest in the fridge for about half an hour.

Blind bake the tart cases with baking beans in at 180°C for about 15 minutes, remove the beans and brush the base with egg wash and return to the oven for 2 minutes. 

Bring the cream and ginger to the boil, remove from the heat and infuse for 20 minutes.

Whisk together the egg yolks and sugar and add the cream, pass through a fine sieve.

Place tart case in a tray in the oven at 120°C and pour the custard into the tart. This is important, you don't want to move the tray once the tart is filled with liquid! Grate over nutmeg liberally and cook until just set at the edges with a nice wobble in the middle, about 35-45 mins, bearing in mind that it will cook further in its own heat as it cools. 

Cool to room temperature and serve.