The Kappacasein Cheese Toastie

Many visitors to Borough Market over the last decade have been drawn to the Kappacasein stall by the irresistible smell of sizzling cheese. Our neighbours Kappacasein Dairy make raw milk cheeses in a railway arch in Bermondsey and several are included in these famous toasties. Below, founder Bill Oglethorpe kindly shares their recipe for the unofficial 'Best Toastie in Town,' which he has been making and selling here since 2003.


For one toastie

The key ingredients in the Kappacasein toastie are Poilane sourdough and Montgomery’s Cheddar.  You can buy Montgomery's Cheddar in our shops or online here, or substitute another mature, savoury cheddar. If Poilane is unavailable, substitute another sourdough bread with a close-textured crumb that will best contain the melting cheese.



100g of Poilane sourdough, sliced thin

100g mixed grated cheese (primarily Montgomery’s Cheddar, alongside Ogleshield, London Raclette, Comte, and Bermondsey Hard Pressed) 

Finely diced red onion 

Finely diced white onion 

Finely diced spring onion 

Finely diced leeks 



Heat a grill pan or frying pan over medium-high heat. Mix grated cheese with the finely diced alliums, adjusting amounts to your taste, then assemble the sandwich. Toast in the preheated pan without adding any oil or butter, the pan should be hot enough to toast the bread and allow the oils from the cheese to come through and prevent burning. The goal is to achieve a golden brown exterior without melting the cheese too much. If the sandwich is cooked at a lower temperature for longer, the cheese will liquify too much and it will result in a less concentrated flavour. It’s a delicate balance, like so many things in life! 


Try one of Kappacasein's toasties for yourself on your next trip to Borough Market. For location and opening hours:


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